Thelma's Literary Studies

Why Study Literature?
American Literature
English Literature
Shakespearean Literature
Classical Literature
Student Access
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WHEN YOU SIGN UP to access free video you receive 60 to 64 hours of recorded instruction from a video recording/PowerPoint made from my home office. The audio is divided into 31 or 32 weekly sessions to accommodate one school year. The suggested schedule (included) suggests a three-week Christmas break and a one-week Spring Break. The classes run from early September through late May but can be taught from any beginning point which allows 32 weeks of instruction. Users simply download materials for one session at a time as they need it. Teacher materials: quiz answer copies, exam answer copies, and sample student work require contact with Thelma (who will email you the teacher materials). There is a link to the Video on YouTube. Courses are listed below (scroll down). CLICK ON STUDENT ACCESS FOR INDIVIDUAL CLASSES.

Thelma’s materials can be used by individuals for self-directed studies, home educators, or by classroom teachers who desire to incorporate Thelma’s materials into their own classrooms (advanced designed for High School and advanced Junior High). Instructors are welcome to use Thelma’s materials in their own classrooms. Individuals are welcome to use materials at home or in small home groups.  All materials are free. Thelma suggests that students meet weekly in a home or classroom setting to encourage accountability, but students can work independently from their home computer if desired. Suggested sessions are two hours (or 2.25 hours) to view video. Pause video as instructed for Devotions and quizzes, with time after the video-lesson to discuss class objectives, etc..

Let me know if you need help or have constructive criticism to offer: Email Thelma at  Thelma's Master's studies are in Exegetical Theology.

Classes available: American Lit Survey (video), British/English Lit Survey (video), Classical Lit Survey (Covid-era video), Old Testament Survey (audio and PowerPoint as of 2022), and New Testament Survey (Covid-era Video). Materials are divided into weekly chunks ("Sessions") that users download as they need them. All that you need is in that week's section of the web site. You have access to all 32 weeks anytime you like. Difficult works include Thelma audio (Thelma reading aloud assigned reading with commentary). There is a syllabus that is essential for each course (supplementary reading: book articles, magazine articles, newspaper articles, reference pages, comics). Your syllabus options include reading it online or having it printed yourself. It is posted as a large pdf file (300-430 pages) at the web site.

The current courses available for use are:


Username: Student

Password: Franklin101


Username: Student

Password: Wm1066

Classical Lit

Username: Student

Password: Job


Username: Student

Password: Moses101


Username: Student

Password: Paul101




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